Contact Us
First Presbyterian Church offers two worship services every Sunday.
Office hours are Monday through Thursday from 9:00am to 3:00pm.
Please call 419-636-4208 and leave us a message anytime and we will get back to you. You also can contact us via email at bryanpres@firstpresbryan.org.
Our Staff
- Rev. Leonel R. Pech, better known as “Pastor Leo”, was called to serve First Presbyterian Church on Sept. 26, 2021, and we are blessed by his passion for teaching and reaching others for Christ. Pastor Leo’s life and sermons are scripturally based and Holy Spirit driven. His love for family, and his experience as youth pastor, church planter, university teacher, and community organizer inspire us to a renewed focus on God’s plans to work all things together for the good of those who are called according to His purpose.
- Mandy Hanna, Administrative Assistant, greets those who enter our doors with joy and energy. She responds to in-person, email and telephone inquiries of all kinds – practical, spiritual, financial, or otherwise – with clear direction and focus on servanthood for the Kingdom of God.
- Ben Lupo, Director of Music and Arts, shares the love of God through leadership over our music and arts programs, including our chancel choir, bell choir, praise team, and special programs. His heart for the Lord shows through the musical offerings that he coordinates into our worship services.
- Tami Smith, Musician, adds inspiration and worship through her offerings of organ and piano music and accompaniment. Tami also offers faithful leadership through devotionals offered on our church social media sites.
- Patti Coon, Musician, shares her gifts and joy of music as she accompanies the choir and plays during our worship services.
- Rob Smith, Custodian, focuses on the aesthetic appeal of our building and surrounding campus, from the bathrooms to the parking lot. He understands the importance of a clean environment as well as tidy worship and study spaces.
- Media Coordinator, part time (approx. 10 hrs/week) – ensures the availability of our worship services through our website and social media pages, and also manages the audio and visual experience for the congregation.
- Children and Family Ministries Coordinator, part time (up to 20 hrs/week) – develops caring relationships with children, youth, families and community, develops and sustains a weekly ministry for children and youth, promotes children and youth ministries within the church.
- Contact our church office at bryanpres@firstpresbryan.org or 419-636-4208 for details about either of these positions.
First Presbyterian Church
We are located at 506 Oxford Drive, Bryan, Ohio
DIRECTIONS: Our campus is located at 506 Oxford Drive in Bryan, less than a mile from downtown and just across the street from some of the city’s most beautiful park areas.